Here’s where you can purchase our calendars in Beverly. They make great holiday gifts! Proceeds help to pay for homeless animals’ veterinary bills, food and litter, supporting our rescue and adoption placement efforts.
Copper Dog Books 272 Cabot Street, 978-969-3460
DogSpa, 45 Enon Street, 978-922-9227
Sally’s (beauty salon), 132 Dodge Street, 978-969-3834
Please call for store hours. Cash or checks only accepted in stores.
We will also be selling our calendars at the First Baptist Church Holiday Fair on November 20th, 9 AM to 2:30 PM. It’s a great time, please join us and all the crafters…awesome gifts, food, holiday music, atmosphere!
If you wish to purchase a calendar here, click on the “Donate” button on the right and then indicate your payment is for calendar(s). They are $15 each plus $4 for shipping the first calendar and $.75 for each additional calendar. Many thanks to the stores above and to all our supporters who purchase calendars! Go to for more information.