February Virtual Meeting

We have scheduled Monday, Feb. 15 at 7 PM for a Zoom FOBA meeting. The link and instructions are below.

Items on the agenda are:  Financial report, rescue and adoption activity, discussion of how to add new members, fundraising during the pandemic, etc. Please let us know if you want to add any items.

We still have some 2021 calendars left and if anyone wants one (free) for yourself or to give to a friend, please let me know. They were $14 in the beginning; about mid-January we reduced the price to $7 each. We will donate some of the leftovers to the senior center shortly. They always seem to appreciate them.

Thanks, please stay warm and stay well,

Bonnie Hannable, Secretary, FOBA


Nicola Lemay from Foley Hoag is inviting you to a scheduled FOBA meeting.

To join the meeting via Internet Browser, click on this link (password is below):


Password: 357458

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,91986990922# US (New York)

+13017158592,,91986990922# US (Washington DC)

Dial-in by phone:

From US: +1 855 880 1246 (Toll-free)

From US: +1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 919 8699 0922#

Join by SIP


Hi All – Note that if you don’t have access to a computer, the Zoom invitation also includes a toll-free phone number that you can use to call into the meeting.  Of course, it is always nicer to see folks via video when possible! 



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