RAVEN (formerly SPITFIRE) and MAYBELLINE were adopted from FOBA in December 2014, shortly before Christmas. Maybelline was adopted just hours after her adoption notice was posted, and the then-named Spitfire was adopted by the same family before FOBA could post an adoption notice for her, since she was fostered at the same home as Maybelline.
FOBA recently heard from the family that adopted the pair. “Thank you for doing what you did to allow us to have these wonderful additions to our family. As you can see they are happy, healthy girls! They have fit into our family perfectly and are adored by all.”
Don’t you just love stories with happy endings?
The photos above show kitten-ninja Raven putting the hurt on kitten Maybelline (top left), kitten Maybelline (top right), grown Raven (bottom left), and grown Maybelline (bottom right). Are you, or a friend of yours, ready to meet a FOBA cat or two?